Pleased to announce that our second snapchat lens has been released! For many years, eTryOn’s industrial partner ODLO equips the successful SCOTT-SRAM MTB Racing Team: today, we are excited to release the snapchat AR lens where you can digitally try-on…
Our 4th plenary meeting: new insights and outcomes
ETryOn’s 4th plenary meeting took place virtually on 6-7 of October, 2021. All partners had the chance to catch up on the latest developments of the three apps that will be released during the next months, providing an advanced user…
XR4fashion workshop: innovation in fashion technology
An interesting workshop was conducted on October 4, 2021, in conjunction with the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2021: XR4fashion workshop presented all new technology innovations that eTryOn currently develops: Jim Downing (Metail) presented eTryOn project…
Fashion tech innovation: delighted to conclude our 3nd plenary meeting
ETryOn conducted its 3nd plenary meeting which took place virtually, on 7 and 8 of June, 2021. Members of the consortium exchanged news and updates on their working progress: from the system architecture & Integration on the three apps to…